General information

Quantum Opticcs
Lecture and Exercises
Martin Weitz
Winter semester 2022/23

Date: Tuesday, 12 c.t. till 14


Tuesday; 11 October 2022
Place: IAP lecture hall
Exercise: in groups, 2 h every 2nd Tuesday

6 credit points

Requirements:Attendance of exercises and exam

Requirements for participation of the exam:

  • registration
  • 70% of the exercise sheets have to be prepared thoroughly
  • demonstrating calculatons at least twice
Date of the exam: 9 February 2023 13 c.t. Wolfgang-Paul lecture hall
Date of retake exam: 20 March 2023 as an oral exam

Permitted in the exam are:

  • handwritten summary, 1 sheet DIN A4
  • scientific calculator with max. two-line display


Please, bring an identification card 

Office hours: Tuesday, 11-12 h (IAP, room 3016)
Recommended reading:
  • R. Loudon “The Quantum Theory of Light”,Oxford University Press,Oxford, 2000
  • D. F. Walls, G. J. Milburn “Quantum Optics”, Springer, Berlin, 2008
  • M. O. Scully, M. S. Zubairy “Quantum Optics”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997
  • P. Meystre, M. Sargent III “Elements of Quantum Optics”, Springer, Berlin, 2007
  • W. Vogel, D.-G. Welsch, “Quantum Optics“, Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 2006
  • H. Paul “Introduction to Quantum Optics”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004
  • C. C. Gerry, P. L. Knight “Introductory Quantum Optics”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005

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