04. June 2024

Our paper on the Onsager rgeression theorem has been published The quantum regression theorem has been verified for an optical quantum gas

A fundamental relation connecting the temporal fluctuations and the response behaviour has been experimentally observed in a quantum gas made of photons, the particles of light. The validity of this so-called quantum regression theorem could so far not be directly revealed for quantum gases.

Onsager Regression Theorem
Onsager Regression Theorem - Concept of the experiment: A condensate of photons (small sphere) is coupled to a large bath depicted by the red sphere. What happens to the condensate when the bath is disturbed, and how is this connected to the fluctuations of the bath? © J. Schmitt / Uni Bonn
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The quantum regression theorem connects the fluctuations of a medium with its dissipative response to a perturbation. This theorem now has been shown to be valid in an optical quantum gas of light, a Bose-Einstein condensate of photons. The results have been published in Nature Communications.

Blog entry: Fluctuations and Response in a Quantum Gas of Light 

University press release

Alexander Sazhin, Vladimir N. Gladilin, Andris Erglis, Göran Hellmann, Frank Vewinger, Martin Weitz, Michiel Wouters & 
Julian Schmitt
Observation of nonlinear response and Onsager regression in a photon Bose-Einstein condensate. 
Nature Communications 15, 4730 (2024).

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