Public Press

Four ERC Grants for the University of Bonn
EU funds projects worth millions in mathematics and physics
[ Press release ]

Extremely compressible gas of light
Researchers of Bonn University have determined the compressibility of a quantum gas of light
[ Press release ]
[ Science Perspective  article by R. Fletcher and M. Zwierlein ]
[ New Scientist article by A. Wilkins ]
[ Media Inaf article by V. Guglielmo ]
[ Physics World article by S. Jarman ]
Exist Grant for start-up project at Bonn University
Physicists receive research transfer grant for the start-up project "Midel Photonics" 
[ Press release ]
A new state of light
Physicists at the University of Bonn observe new phase in Bose-Einstein condensate of light particle
[ Press release ]
[ Bild der Wissenschaft, June 2021 ]
[ The Academic Times ]
[ Bonner Generalanzeiger, 06.04.2021 ]

One-way street for light
Physicists at Bonn University irreversibly split photons by freezing them in a Bose-Einstein condensate
[ Press release ]
[ Physics World Research update by B. Dumé ]
[ PhysOrg article ]
[ Bonner Generalanzeiger, 26.11.2019 ]
Cluster of Excellence ML4Q granted
Researchers from Bonn, Cologne and Aachen plan the realization of quantum computers
[ Bonner Generalanzeiger, 22.01.2019 ]
Exotic quantum states made from light
Physicists at the University of Bonn create optical "wells" for a photon condensate
[ Press release ]
[ Photonics Online-article by J. Enriquez ]
[ PhysOrg article ]
[ Bonner Generalanzeiger, 22.8.2017 ]
Measuring the heat capacity of condensed light
Method developed at the University of Bonn can be used to produce ultra-precise thermometer.
[ Press release]
[ PhysOrg article ]
[ Bonner Generalanzeiger, 14.6.2016 ]
Veselago lensing of cold atoms
Bonn physicists experimentally demonstrate Veselago lensing with matter waves.
[ Press release ]
[ Nature Photonics Research Highlights ]
[ Optik & Photonik article ]

Flickering of photonic Bose-Einstein Condensates
Researchers of Bonn University observe a grand-canonical Bose-Einstein condensate of light.
[ Press release ]
[ Physics Viewpoint by C. Ciuti ]
[ Focus-Article by A. Pelster ]

ERC Advanced Grant for Research on Photon Bose-Einstein Condensation
Martin Weitz receives an Advanced Grant 2012 of the European Research Council.
[ Press release ]

Jan Klaers received PhD Award
On May 11, 2012 Dr. Jan Klaers received together with Dr. Anna Franckowiak the PhD Award of the Foundation for Physics and Astronomy in Bonn
[ Announcement of award ceremony ]

Snail's pace rather than speed of light
Physicists of the University of Bonn observe the "Klein-tunneling
effect" with ultracold rubidium atoms
[ Press release University of Bonn ]
[ Focus-Article by L. Fritz ]

Bonn physicists win inventor prize
Researchers awarded 1. prize of university contest  'patente Erfinder' for the development of laser-like like with high efficiency.
[ Press release University of Bonn]
[ General-Anzeiger, 15.01.2011 ]
[ Deutsche Universitätszeitung, Feb. 2011 ]
[ Press release PROvendis, 12.01.2011 ]

Photon Bose-Einstein condensate
Bonn researchers realize a Bose-Einstein condensate of photons, a novel source of light.
[ Press release ]
[ News and Views article by J. Anglin ]
[ Nature News article by Z. Merali ]
[ BEC of light chosen to be among top 10 breakthroughs of Physics World ]
[ FAZ, 01.12.2010 ]
[ Süddeutsche Zeitung, 25.11.2010 ]
[ NZZ, 01.12.2010 ]
[ Die Welt, 25.11.2010 ]
[ Spiegel online, 25.11.2010 ]
[ Focus Online, 25.11.2010 ]
[ CBS News, 24.10.2010 ]
[ New Scientist-Article by Kate McAlpine ]
[ Focus-Article by A. Pelster ]
[ Search & Discovery, Physics Today by M. Wilson, 2011 year's highlights ]
[ Bild der Wissenschaft online-Article by H. Horeis ]

Gas of Light
Bonn researchers realize a novel "chameleon-gas" of light.
[ Press release ]
[ Science Editors' Choice by Jelena Stajic, 18.06.2010 ]
[ Bonner Generalanzeiger, 31.05.2010 ]
[ Pro-Physik, 01.06.2010 ]
[ Scienexx, 31.05.2010 ]

Hamiltonian quantum ratchet
Bonn researchers demonstrate the principle of a dissipationless quantum motor with ultracold atoms.
[ Press release ]
[ Focus-Article by P. Hänggi and S. Denisov ]
[ Pro-Physik by R. Scharf, 27.11.2009 ]
[ Deutschlandfunk-Forschung aktuell by M. Schulenburg, 29.12.2009 ]
[ Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, 27.11.2009 ]
[ Scinexx, 27.11.200 ]

Laser cooling by collisional redistribution of radiation
Demonstration of a novel cooling mechanism for macroscopic objects (ultradense gases).
[ Press release ]
[ News and Views-article by M. Sheik-Bahae and D. Selektskiy ]
[ National Geographic News by B. Handwerk, 08.11.2009 ]
[ Pro-Physik by J. O. Löfken, 03.09.2009 ]
[ Deutschlandfunk-Forschung aktuell by M. Pollmann, 17.11.2009 ]
[ Bonner Generalanzeiger, 08.09.2009 ]
[ Darmstädter Echo, 03.09.2009 ]
[ Wired science - ultrafast chilling, 02.09.2009 ]

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